domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010


Research into the organization’s context and cultures is vital in order to respond effectively to any situation. The organization has to develop a practical and easily plan appropriate for the client attraction and satisfaction. Marketing makes the main role to promote a product; one of the tools that it can apply is metaphor.

In, metaphors is defined as “A figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance”.

A metaphor as a strategy in organizations is used to improve communication and publicity in organizations, it explain the ideas, attitudes and beliefs that a company wants to share with its costumers, it uses innovation to help convey ideas, and to avoid using any terminology.

For example, Helados la Fresita is a family enterprise initiated in Antioquia. The company is well positioned in the regional market nowadays and its products are recognized for having very good quality and flavor.

For its products acceptance in other markets I want to create a slogan for the company that carry a metaphor, this slogan should be associated with the fruits because the product look for a differentiation with natural flavors, the slogan will be: “Helados la Fresita, the fruits never filled your mouth with so much flavor”; it means that the flavor never be equal when you taste this ice cream. I think that it can be a good strategy to show to the people that the ice cream is different and have good quality, and people will enjoy eating it.

Spencer, M (2010) "If InterContinental were a sound what would it be"

3 comentarios:

  1. Nice post, I liked the video a lot because it leaved in me the desire to research more about Deep Metaphors, within my research I found this interesting video I thought I had to share it, I also posted it in My Blog

    I did not manage to embed the video here, so I will just give the link, thanks.

  2. when visiting some posts, I found yours and I saw the slogan you created in order to achieve task number five which was to internationalize a unknown product. the slogan fits really good with the product you are promoting and gives people the idea and the desire of buying the product no matter what country they are in.
    It also gives the feeling of a differentiated produt or a product with a high quality and excelent taste.

  3. Luz Maria, I think your blog is a good expample that we can express interesting ideas in few words. Good Job.
